Acceptable Use Policy

Introduction has developed the policies described in our Acceptable Use Policy to create an environment which promotes respect for other users as well as users of the Usenet in general. The purpose of this document is to inform you of our policies regarding account usage. We do not wish to regulate or censor our customers or their right to free speech. We do find it necessary to establish a set of ground rules that promotes respect for the law and for other Usenet users for the betterment of the Usenet community.

If you are found to be in violation of policies, we will take action to prevent similar occurrences including loss of account posting privileges and account termination.

By signing up for service you are agreeing that you have read, understood and will abide by our Acceptable Use Policy.

Fair usage policy

We consider fair use to be 10TB or less per month per consumer account. Accounts that use more than this are potentially subject to speed reductions. If your account falls into this category we will notify you prior to any adjustments being made and are willing to hear an appeal on your part. This will help us control our costs better so we can continue to serve our customers a great product at a great price. Our pricing does not allow us to compete in the current market without these restrictions in place.

Etiquette and Abuse

Usenet Newsgroups represent many communities on the Internet. The standards of what is appropriate language or behavior in different newsgroups can vary widely. Many newsgroups have a charter or FAQ that explains the newsgroup’s expectations. You should abide by each newsgroup’s expectations. You are expected to be considerate of others and treat them as you would want to be treated. Repeated violations reported to us can lead to suspension of posting privileges.


At message posting is a privilege. We expect our customers to act responsibly by following the policies below:

Copyrighted Works and Other Intellectual Property

You agree not to transfer on our system or store works that are copyrighted or works protected by intellectual property laws without the permission of the intellectual property holder.

It is not possible for staff to review the hundreds of thousands of posts that are made to Usenet newsgroups daily. However, violations of intellectual property law are serious offenses and we will act promptly if we are notified one of our customers is acting contrary to intellectual property law.

Please report any customer in violation of intellectual property law through our Support page. Please note we can only take action for posts and users originating on ThunderNews.comusers originating on’s servers.

Spam takes a zero tolerance policy on spam. Spam is unwelcome on the Usenet and interrupts the normal flow of Usenet newsgroups. The definition of spam can be debated, but generally spam on Usenet newsgroups can be defined as:

Repetitively posting the same or similar message to the same newsgroup or multiple newsgroups.

Commercial posts promoting goods or services or links to goods and services is not welcome in most newsgroups. customers found to be in violation of our spam policy will have their accounts terminated and will be charged at the rate of $250 per hour for spam cleanup fees.

For Sale

For Sale type posts may be considered to be spam in many groups. Many newsgroups do not welcome For Sale posts. Many others that allow For Sale posts are confined to specific geographic regions. Before posting For Sale messages, check to be sure they are accepted by the newsgroup.

Cross Posting

Sometimes users want to share information with as many people as possible and do so by cross posting a message to multiple newsgroups. This practice is frowned upon in almost every newsgroup. Often, replies to the message will become off-topic in individual groups. Please consider this as you post messages and avoid cross posting to multiple groups.

Binaries Posted in Text Groups

Generally, Usenet newsgroups are divided into text groups for posting discussion topics and groups where files may be transferred. Most text only groups do not welcome posts. Do not post message to newsgroups that are not named for posting.

Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes

Chain letters and pyramid schemes are illegal under US laws. Do not post messages that can be classified as chain letters or pyramid schemes through servers.

Off-Topic Posting

Off-Topic Posting is not welcome in most newsgroups. If you excessively post messages off-topic or with apparent malicious intent, your account may be subject to termination.


Trolling is the practice of trying to draw others into an argument by provoking them. It is our view that any topic can be discussed in a civil manner that promotes respect for the other party. Trolling will lead to account termination.

Forging Posts

Falsifying headers in any way is a very serious offense and will lead to account termination. Examples of falsifying headers include modifying headers: to obscure the originating server, to look like a follow-up post, to attribute a message to someone else or to indicate moderator approval of a message.

Child Exploitation

The posting of articles or material that describes, solicits or depicts child pornography or any other practice where minors are solicited to engage in a sexual act is forbidden. If ThunderNews becomes aware that a customer has violated this policy, we are required to report it to appropriate legal authorities. Such customer accounts will be terminated.


As a responsible user, you should take proper precautions to ensure any documents you post do not contain viruses, worms, scripts or other mechanisms that may cause unwanted or malicious actions to other computers.

You should also take proper precautions when downloading information from the Usenet to scan for viruses prior to use.

Post Attachments reserves the right to add a tag line or other text at the end of messages posted to the Usenet through our system.

Report Posting Abuse

Report any abuses of our posting policy through our Support page. Please note we can only take action regarding incidents that originate on servers. We will take prompt action potentially suspending posting privileges pending the outcome of our investigation. Abuses can lead to account termination.’s decision is final. No refunds will be made for terminated accounts.