Google Groups stopped updating posts from Usenet newsgroups not long ago, outraging many users who found they could continue to brose previous posts, but were not being provided access to newer posts. The updating seems to have stopped on August 2 with posts after that date nowhere to be found.
Google noted that messages that were posted to Usenet were delayed in appearing in the Google Groups feature, although it seems as though no posts appeared in Google Groups since August 2. Google said that the issue had been identified and they were fixing it.
With Google taking so long to respond to the indexing problem, many Usenet users are wondering whether Google is as dedicated to keeping Usenet posts updated as they are to some of its other many features and services.
ThunderNews is a premium Usenet service offering consistent indexing with over 1,090 days of retention and years of text retention. It’s dedicated to keeping Usenet a popular and convenient way to share and discuss with others across the globe.